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Gatsby Game Museum

Mass Effect 2: Kasumi - Stolen Memory

Mass Effect 2: Kasumi - Stolen Memory cover

Game Information

Original Release Date: April 06, 2010

Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3, Xbox 360

Involved Companies: Electronic Arts, BioWare Montréal, BioWare

Genres: Shooter, Role-playing (RPG)

Summary: It adds a new quest for acquiring a new team member: Kasumi Goto, the female master thief. During her character quest the player needs to find the electronic saved memories of her dead partner which can be found in the private museum of the crime boss Dovoan Hock. To reach it Shepard needs to go undercover and attend to Hock's big party.


Click on a screenshot to enlarge it in a new browser window.

This work is part of CSCI E-114, Web Application Development with Jamstack, Harvard Extension School. All video game data was obtained from The Internet Game Database (IGDB).