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Gatsby Game Museum

Time Loader

Time Loader cover

Game Information

Original Release Date: November 03, 2021

Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One

Involved Companies: Flazm Interactive Entertainment, META Publishing

Genres: Platform, Puzzle, Racing, Simulator, Adventure, Indie

Summary: Time Loader is a story-driven, physics-based puzzle platformer with a twist. At the helm of a small robot, you'll travel back to the 90s to prevent a tragic accident. Explore the house of your creator, solve brain-teasing puzzles, acquire unique and powerful upgrades, and see common household items from an entirely new perspective! But remember: meddling with time has serious consequences. You may succeed in changing the past, but can you deal with the result of your actions?


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This work is part of CSCI E-114, Web Application Development with Jamstack, Harvard Extension School. All video game data was obtained from The Internet Game Database (IGDB).