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Gatsby Game Museum

Neon White

Neon White cover

Game Information

Original Release Date: June 16, 2022

Platforms: Nintendo Switch, PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5

Involved Companies: Ben Esposito, Annapurna Interactive

Genres: Shooter, Platform, Indie, Visual Novel

Summary: Neon White is a lightning fast first-person action game about exterminating demons in Heaven. You are White, an assassin handpicked from Hell to compete with other demon slayers for a chance to live permanently in Heaven. The other assassins seem familiar, though… did you know them in a past life?


Click on a screenshot to enlarge it in a new browser window.

This work is part of CSCI E-114, Web Application Development with Jamstack, Harvard Extension School. All video game data was obtained from The Internet Game Database (IGDB).