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Gatsby Game Museum

Grezzo 2

Grezzo 2 cover

Game Information

Original Release Date: December 25, 2012

Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows)

Involved Companies: Giochi Penosi

Genres: Shooter

Summary: Grezzo 2is a first-person shooter video game developed by Italian game designer Nicola Piro and released in 2012. The game is a total conversion modification of the 1993 video game Doom and its development began in the early 2000s, with the version called Grezzo 1, when Nicola Piro attended high school. The plot follows the adventure of pagan farmer Piro which, annoyed and disgusted by Christianity, plans to kill Jesus Christ to prevent the rise of his religious phenomenon. Gameplay requires the player to face various levels, defeating enemies and bosses and using a wide range of weapons. Many well-known personalities of the culture of Italy appear in the game, as well as references to extremely satirized social, political and religious issues of the country. Following the 2012 release, Grezzo 2 received significant attention, both inside and outside of its country of origin, due to its extremely blasphemous, vulgar and violent content.


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This work is part of CSCI E-114, Web Application Development with Jamstack, Harvard Extension School. All video game data was obtained from The Internet Game Database (IGDB).