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Gatsby Game Museum

Mega Man 4

Mega Man 4 cover

Game Information

Original Release Date: December 06, 1991

Platforms: Family Computer, Legacy Mobile Device, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Entertainment System, PlayStation, Wii, Wii U

Involved Companies: Capcom

Genres: Shooter, Platform, Adventure

Summary: For a year the city has been quiet, but a new robotic terror has gripped the city! That scheming scientist, Dr. Cossack has arrived in town with eight new metal maniacs who are bigger and badder than anything Dr. Wily dreamed of. It's going to be a cybernetic showdown as the streets of the city erupt with the sizzling sounds of molten metal! Armed with the new Mega Buster, Mega Man runs, jumps and dodges his way through mazes of metallic munchkins on his way to the Siberian citadel of Dr. Cossack for the final cataclysmic clash!


Click on a screenshot to enlarge it in a new browser window.

Game Review 

More of the Same, But High-Quality More of the Same

by Uriah Stiles


More of the Same, But High-Quality More of the Same

I consider this to be the most refined Mega Man game on the NES. It struck a good balance with difficulty; level design, Robot Masters, and special weapons all felt good. Doesn't do much to innovate, but I never minded that. As long as it's a great game in the end, there's no reason to complain.

Final Score: 84%

This work is part of CSCI E-114, Web Application Development with Jamstack, Harvard Extension School. All video game data was obtained from The Internet Game Database (IGDB).