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Gatsby Game Museum

Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection

Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection cover

Game Information

Original Release Date: July 09, 2013

Platforms: PlayStation 3

Involved Companies: Kojima Productions, Konami

Genres: Role-playing (RPG), Adventure

Summary: Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection is a video game compilation released exclusively for the PlayStation 3. It includes all the mainline Metal Gear games directed and designed by Hideo Kojima (including the VR Missions standalone expansion) that were released from 1987 through 2012. Bonus content include motion comic adaptations of the Metal Gear Solid graphic novels by Kris Oprisko and Ashley Wood and a 100-page booklet that catalogs numerous promotional posters, brochures and advertisement related to the games in the compilation.


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This work is part of CSCI E-114, Web Application Development with Jamstack, Harvard Extension School. All video game data was obtained from The Internet Game Database (IGDB).