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Gatsby Game Museum

Jumping Flash! 2

Jumping Flash! 2 cover

Game Information

Original Release Date: April 26, 1996

Platforms: PlayStation

Involved Companies: Exact Co., Ltd., MuuMuu, Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. (SCEI)

Genres: Shooter, Platform

Summary: Need an Action Fix? Get Sky High! Little Muu has been bottled up by the menacing Captain Kabuki. Baron Aloha, once a foe, now turns to friend? Take a flying leap into the wickedly weird world of Robbit and plunge into the wildest 3D gaming experience ever imagined. Single, double and triple-jump your way through a madcap quest-but just when you think it's over, you take to even newer heights and depths like never seen (or felt) before! * First-person, 360º perspective takes you on a free-falling flight, and the all-new Jump Meter lets you know how high you can go! * Barrel through 12 different fantasy worlds with bonus levels and maximize the fun with all-new underwater 3D environments! * Watch out for a slew of new enemies including the killer, kung-fu gripping, galaxy-ripping Captain Kabuki. * A variety of medals are awarded for different achievements. Can you win them all?!


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This work is part of CSCI E-114, Web Application Development with Jamstack, Harvard Extension School. All video game data was obtained from The Internet Game Database (IGDB).