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Gatsby Game Museum

Battle Supremacy

Battle Supremacy cover

Game Information

Original Release Date: January 09, 2014

Platforms: Android, iOS, Mac, Nintendo Switch

Involved Companies: Atypical Games

Genres: Shooter, Simulator, Arcade

Summary: Unleash the full power of your iOS device in Battle Supremacy, a WWII tank game with thrilling gameplay and showoff-worthy visuals. Explore a fully-interactive open world never before seen on mobile devices, and do it by land, air or sea. Feast your eyes on amazing landscapes and landmarks: entire forests teeming with wildlife, sprawling real-world cities with tunnels and bridges, overrun by tanks, trains, warships; there are even fish in the water! The gameplay is so immersive and engaging that destroying a target can feel like winning the battle, but really it’s just the beginning… THIS IS THE ULTIMATE WWII TANK COMBAT GAME AND SETS A NEW BAR FOR MOBILE GAMING!


Click on a screenshot to enlarge it in a new browser window.

This work is part of CSCI E-114, Web Application Development with Jamstack, Harvard Extension School. All video game data was obtained from The Internet Game Database (IGDB).