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Gatsby Game Museum

Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightning Aren't so Frightening

Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightning Aren't so Frightening cover

Game Information

Original Release Date: October 02, 1998

Platforms: iOS, Mac, Nintendo Switch, PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4

Involved Companies: Atari, Humongous Entertainment

Genres: Point-and-click, Adventure

Summary: Join Pajama Sam, the world's youngest superhero as he journeys to World Wide Weather, the storm-stirring factory in the sky! Sam's spent on to many evenings cowering under the couch, so he sets out to conquest his fear of thunderstorms. Just as our little guy begins to learn that storms aren't as bad as they seem, Sam accidentally send the weather system into a frenzy. Now, there is snow in Saigon, and sunshine in Seattle! He'll need your child's help to explore this wonderful world filled with challenging puzzles, fun games, and fantastic new friends as they help Thunder and Lightning fix the broken machines and return the world's weather to normal before Mother Nature finds out!


Click on a screenshot to enlarge it in a new browser window.

This work is part of CSCI E-114, Web Application Development with Jamstack, Harvard Extension School. All video game data was obtained from The Internet Game Database (IGDB).