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Gatsby Game Museum

Syphon Filter 3

Syphon Filter 3 cover

Game Information

Original Release Date: November 06, 2001

Platforms: PlayStation

Involved Companies: Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. (SCEI), SIE Bend Studio

Genres: Shooter, Adventure

Summary: Secretary of State Vince Hadden brings in Gabe, Lian, and Mujari to testify in Congress about their relationship to the Agency. He considers all three to be guilty and questions them after they assassinate Shi-Hao from a hotel in Japan. The three do not realize that Hadden is involved in the conspiracy, and is looking for scapegoats.


Click on a screenshot to enlarge it in a new browser window.

This work is part of CSCI E-114, Web Application Development with Jamstack, Harvard Extension School. All video game data was obtained from The Internet Game Database (IGDB).