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Gatsby Game Museum

Spy Fox in "Dry Cereal"

Spy Fox in "Dry Cereal" cover

Game Information

Original Release Date: October 17, 1997

Platforms: Mac, Nintendo Switch, PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Wii

Involved Companies: Nimbus Games, Majesco Entertainment, Atari, Humongous Entertainment

Genres: Adventure

Summary: The super-suave agent, SPY Fox, must find Mr. Udderly, rescue all the cows, and stop William the Kid from depleting the worlds supply of milk. Using ingenious SPY gadgets, keen wits, and daring moves, SPY Fox, jumps out on an udderly exhilarating adventure!


Click on a screenshot to enlarge it in a new browser window.

This work is part of CSCI E-114, Web Application Development with Jamstack, Harvard Extension School. All video game data was obtained from The Internet Game Database (IGDB).